2025, In Press
Randia’s Quiet Theatre: Performing Care and Activism with a Roman Elder. McGill-Queens University Press. (Currently at the typesetting stage), 347 pp.
In Search of Lost Futures: Anthropological Explorations in Multimodality, Deep Interdisciplinarity, and Autoethnography. Co-edited with Mark Auslander. Palgrave Macmillan. 362pp.
Staging Strife: Lessons from Performing Ethnography with Polish Roma Women. McGill-Queens University Press.
**Winner of Ann Saddlemyer Book Award for best monograph in theatre and performance, Canadian Association for Theatre Research.
**Winner of Outstanding Qualitative Book Award,the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry(ICQI). 243 pp.
Chapters in Books
“Introduction.” Co-written with Mark Auslander. In Search of Lost Futures: Pushing the Boundaries of Ethnography into the Imagined and the Unimaginable, edited by Magdalena Kazubowski-Houston and Mark Auslander, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-25.
“Absence, Magic, and Impossible Futures.” Studying Future Worlds, Imagined and Unimaginable: Pushing the Boundaries of Ethnography, edited by Magdalena Kazubowski-Houston and Mark Auslander, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 255-279.
“Slow-Motion Activism: Performing the Impossible.” Collaborative Futures in Qualitative Inquiry, edited by Norman Denzin and Michael Giardina, Routledge, pp. 104-122.
“Radical Pedagogies of the Imagination.” Experiential and Performative Anthropology in the Classroom: Engaging the Legacy of Edith and Victor Turner, edited by Pam Frese and Susan Brownell, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 151-168.
“Performing.” A Different Kind of Ethnography: Imaginative Practices and Creative Methodologies, edited by Dara Culhane and Denielle Elliott, University of Toronto Press, pp. 113-132.
“Agency and Dramatic Storytelling: Roving Through Pasts, Presents and Futures.” Anthropologies and Futures: Techniques for Researching an Uncertain World, edited by Sarah Pink, Juan Francisco Salazar, Andrew Irving, and Johannes Sjöberg, Bloomsbury Press, pp. 209–224.
Edited Journal Issues
Transdisciplinary Travels of Ethnography. Cultural Studies ↔Critical Methodologies 18(6): 379-462. Co-edited with Virginie Magnat.
Ethnography, Performance, and Imagination. Anthropologica 60(2): 359-550. Co-edited with Virginie Magnat.
Journal Articles
“Introduction: Transdisciplinary Travels of Ethnography.” With Virginie Magnat, edited by Magdalena Kazubowski-Houston and Virginie Magnat, Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies 18(6): pp. 379-391.
“quiet theatre: The Radical Politics of Silence.” Edited by Magdalena Kazubowski-Houston and Virginie Magnat, Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies 18(6), pp. 410-422.
“Introduction: Ethnography, Performance and Imagination.” With Virginie Magnat, edited by Magdalena Kazubowski-Houston and Virginie Magnat, Anthropologica, Special Issue 60(2): pp. 361-374.
“An Elephant in the Room: Towards an Awkward Anthropology.” Special Issue, edited by Magdalena Kazubowski-Houston and Virginie Magnat, Anthropologica, 60(2): pp. 413-426.
“A Stroll in Heavy Boots: Studying Polish Roma Women’s Experiences of Ageing through Dramatic Storytelling.” Special Issue on performance ethnography, edited by Brian Rusted, Canadian Theatre Review 151(1): pp. 16-23.
“Don’t Tell Me How to Dance! – Negotiating Activism, Collaboration and Empowerment in the Ethnographic Theatre Performance ‘Hope.’” Anthropologica, Special Issue on Experimental Ethnography 32(2): pp. 229-243.
“Thwarting Binarisms: Performing Racism in Postsocialist Poland.” Text and Performance Quarterly 31(2): pp. 169-189.
**Featured in Routledge’s Communication Studies Around the World, a collection of the most popular articles focusing on communication studies worldwide.
“Genetics on Stage: Public Engagement in Health Policy Development on Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis." Co-written by Susan M. Cox, Jeffrey Nisker, and Magdalena Kazubowski-Houston, Social Science & Medicine 68(8): pp. 1472-1480.
**Featured in a Virtual Special Issue on Public Participation and Health Policy [University of Auckland] as one of the thirteen most influential articles published in the journal between 2002-2009.